Looking for commitment with a good man

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Leamington, Utah | Жена тражим мушкарца

Основни подаци

Енглески, Остало
Мој опис
You found me. Here I am, just testing the waters to see who is out there. I really enjoy meeting people in the real world but am giving online a try. I'd like to find that beautiful type of relationship where life can be shared on a deeper level. I’m looking for someone who is genuine, intelligent and has a good sense of humor - being genuine is very important for me. An ideal long-term relationship is easy to maintain, involves lively discussions, engages our friends and family around us, contains laughter and a mutual pursuit of our passions.
Хороскопски знак

Изглед и стање

Моје грађа
168 цм
Боја очију
Мешовита раса
Брачно стање
Имам децу
Да - код куће
Желим децу
Нисам сигуран/сигурна
Моја најбоља карактеристика
Телесна обележја
Остало, Тетоважа која се не види, Не пада ми на памет
Боја косе
Спреман/Спремна за селидбу


Образовни ниво
Факултет, али га нисам завршио/завршила
Мој радни однос
Имам своју фирму
Моја струка
Назив мог радног места
Мој годишњи приход
$15.000USD до $29.999USD
Код куће
Понекад ми дођу пријатељи
Да - у друштву


У средњој школи био/била сам
Кловн у разреду
У друштву сам
Уздржан/уздржана, Стидљив(а), Посматрач, Нисам друштвен(а), Дружељубив/дружељубива, Отворен/отоврена
Мој савршен први састанак
I need to meet someone who will introduce me to new things, adore (or put up with) my wacky moods and keep me in line. Very important: a guy who’s profile does not include a shirtless photo or a photo of him with his car. Not my type. I am looking for a man that is confident. I’m loking for a guy who likes to plays but can keep it real. Not a player. I’m looking for a man that is intelligent, funny, handsome, patient, responsible, loyal and that makes me feel safe. I like a guy that will surprise me every now and then. A man that will support me, yet still tell me if I’m wrong and will want me to do the same for him. He most be Honest, mature, gentleman, emotionally, mentally, Knows how to treat a lady, ready for a long term relationship (this would sound a bit too eager or even desperate to most guys. First, meet a guy, then decide what you want out of him.
Одувек сам желео/желела да
First, meet a guy, then decide what you want out of him.
Моји пријатељи кажу да сам
Дружељубив/дружељубива, Моји пријатељи желе бити ја

Погледи/Животни ставови

Идем у цркву
Једном недељно
Мој смисао за хумор


На ТВ-у увек гледам
Цртане филмове, Документарце, Филмове, Спортове, ”Ријалити шоу” програме, Сапунице
У биоскопу увек гледам
Комедије, Љубавне, Анимиране филмове, Хороре
Увек слушам
Електро, Блуз, Сол, Реге
Увек читам
Пословне, Историјске


Шта Вас привлачи?
Одважност, Смисао за хумор, Изглед, Интелигенција
Шта тражите?
You found me. Here I am, just testing the waters to see who is out there. I really enjoy meeting people in the real world but am giving online a try. I'd like to find that beautiful type of relationship where life can be shared on a deeper level. I’m looking for someone who is genuine, intelligent and has a good sense of humor - being genuine is very important for me. An ideal long-term relationship is easy to maintain, involves lively discussions, engages our friends and family around us, contains laughter and a mutual pursuit of our passions.
Какву везу тражите?
Састанак, Посвећеност, Брак