1st timer Very interested in TS...
Greensboro, North Carolina | Мушкарац тражим ТС/ТВ/ТГ
Основни подаци
Мој опис
Tall, dark, handsome, intelligent, average/athletic build...will tell more later.
I've always been interested in TS, so i figured I'd try this site out and see how it goes. As the headline states, I am a first timer with ALL of this, so i'm gonna have questions and worries, i need somebody to be patient and work with me. I'm not here simply to fulfill fantasies...mine or yours really, really giving this a shot.
Now that I've got more time at this, here's a little more about me...I'm big on conversation, I feel like its a dying art form. I'm a people person. I enjoy exercising, traveling, trying new things, and generally trying to enjoy life. I'm a laid back kinda guy and usually get along w/most people, but the older I get I don't have time for games, ignorance, or disrespect.
I'm not necessarily looking for commitment, initially, if it happens to progress there, that's cool. The best relationships have friendship as its foundation, so lets start there. If this seems like something you could be interested in, I look forward to hearing from you. ( I'm a standard member, for now, so idk if I can send and receive messages, but I'll try to communicate my interest(s) in some way or another)
PS: Thanks for the views and messages! :-)
I've always been interested in TS, so i figured I'd try this site out and see how it goes. As the headline states, I am a first timer with ALL of this, so i'm gonna have questions and worries, i need somebody to be patient and work with me. I'm not here simply to fulfill fantasies...mine or yours really, really giving this a shot.
Now that I've got more time at this, here's a little more about me...I'm big on conversation, I feel like its a dying art form. I'm a people person. I enjoy exercising, traveling, trying new things, and generally trying to enjoy life. I'm a laid back kinda guy and usually get along w/most people, but the older I get I don't have time for games, ignorance, or disrespect.
I'm not necessarily looking for commitment, initially, if it happens to progress there, that's cool. The best relationships have friendship as its foundation, so lets start there. If this seems like something you could be interested in, I look forward to hearing from you. ( I'm a standard member, for now, so idk if I can send and receive messages, but I'll try to communicate my interest(s) in some way or another)
PS: Thanks for the views and messages! :-)
Хороскопски знак
Изглед и стање
Моје грађа
Више од 193 цм
Боја очију
Брачно стање
Имам децу
Желим децу
Моја најбоља карактеристика
Телесна обележја
Минђуша/минђуше, Тетоважа која се не види, Тетоважа на видном месту
Боја косе
Мачка, Глодар
Спреман/Спремна за селидбу
Образовни ниво
Неки универзитет
Мој радни однос
Моја струка
Назив мог радног места
Цимером/Цимерима, Кућним љубимцем/љубимцима
Код куће
Понекад ми дођу пријатељи
Да - у друштву
У средњој школи био/била сам
Кловн у разреду
У друштву сам
Волим да флертујем, Дружељубив/дружељубива, Посматрач, Отворен/отоврена, Стидљив(а)
Моја интересовања и хобији
Кување, Вежбање/Тренирање, Игре, Учење, Филмове, Музика, Фотографија, Картање, Спортове, Позориште, Волонтирање
Како замишљам провод
Клубови/барови, Пиће, Дружење с пријатељима, Концерт, Посета музеју, Облачење, Игре, Волим да испробавам нове ствари
Мој савршен први састанак
Something fun where we had an opportunity to know each other better. I'm not opposed to the whole dinner and a movie thing, but I like to go outside the box. So I could see (depending on the person) going to the gym to work out maybe play basketball, going to the park to walk around, a picnic, a hike, going to the library ( I'm a nerd) anything...
Одувек сам желео/желела да
Something fun where we had an opportunity to know each other better. I'm not opposed to the whole dinner and a movie thing, but I like to go outside the box. So I could see (depending on the person) going to the gym to work out maybe play basketball, going to the park to walk around, a picnic, a hike, going to the library ( I'm a nerd) anything...
Моји пријатељи кажу да сам
Дружељубив/дружељубива, Кул, Блесав/блесава, Волим да флертујем
Погледи/Животни ставови
Духован/духовна сам, али не религиозан/религиозна
Идем у цркву
Једном годишње
Мој животни циљ
to be happy and successful, maybe have a family
Мој смисао за хумор
Паметан, Сиров/саркастичан, Блесав/блесава
На ТВ-у увек гледам
Вести, Цртане филмове, Документарце, Драме, Спортове
У биоскопу увек гледам
Акције, Научну фантастику, Комедије, Љубавне, Хороре, Трилере, Програми за одрасле, Ја сам глумац/глумица
Увек слушам
Блуз, Џез, Поп, Панк, Реге, Реп, Рок
Увек читам
Антологије, Историјске, Музика, Вести, Филозофске, Поезија, Натприродно, Научну фантастику, Ја сам писац
Како замишљам добру забаву
Depends on the person and situation. Many possibilities...
Шта Вас привлачи?
Одважност, Флертовање, Изглед, Вештине, Смисао за хумор, Интелигенција, Спонтаност, Брижљивост, Домишљатост
Какву везу тражите?
Пријатељ на Интернету, Пријатељ, Састанак, Посвећеност